Dole – Thailand – Solar.

Dole (Thailand) moves closer to achieving “Dole’s Promise” with an onsite solar solution.


Dole aims to source 100% of its energy for their processing facilities from renewable sources, reduce GHG emissions in their own operations by 50% and work with their partners to reduce GHG emissions across the value chain.


The highly complex agricultural value-chain contains numerous stakeholders, creating challenges to the achievement of sustainable net zero operations.


Dole (Thailand) has made a significant step forward to achieving “Net Zero Carbon” according to “Dole’s Promise” by switching its electricity supply from fossil fuel to an onsite solar solution for its factory in Huahin.  The solution is expected to achieve an estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of 52,500 tCO2e by year 2025.

Dole Thailand Huahin
Onsite Solar Dole Thailand
Dole Thailand solutions
Dole Thailand Onsite Solar Solutions
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