五一节前夕, BECIS中国团队访问了上海金山区海棠小学,为五年级学生带去了一场别开生面的“阳光教育”。EHS经理云一宁女士介绍了太阳能电池板的工作原理怎样减少温室气体排放,以及太阳能如何为世界各地的人们提供可靠且经济实惠的电力能源讲座结束后,一系列户外活动也在我们的业务分析师/营销主管张若萌女士的组织下进行学生们有机会接触到了一些以太阳能为动力的玩具车、风扇和其它小道具让学生们了解到了如何利用太阳能作为动力来驱动这些小道具进行工作并从中得到了乐趣和创新的启发  Before Labor Day, BECIS visited the Haitang Primary School in Shanghai to give a lecture to fifth graders about solar power system and its benefits to the environment. Our EHS manager Elaine explained how solar panels work, how they can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and how they can provide reliable and affordable electricity to people around the world. Outdoor activities also be held after the lecture by our business analyst/marketing executive Corinna Zhang, where students had the opportunity to “play” with some solar-powered toy cars, fans, and other gadgets and learn how those gadgets can harness solar power for fun and innovation. 
此次活动是BECIS企业社会责任计划的一部分,旨在提高小朋友们对可再生能源的认识和兴趣。学生们很享受讲座和户外活动,并提出了不少关于太阳能和其他绿色能源的问题。其中有六名同学凭借出色的表现赢得了太阳能动力拼装车,其余同学也获得了太阳能动力小玩具等纪念品。活动结束后,学校吴校长对本次富有教育意义的活动给予了很高的评价,并对BECIS团队表示了感谢  This event was part of BECIS’s corporate social responsibility program, which aims to raise awareness and interest in renewable energy among the younger generation. The students enjoyed the lecture and outdoor activities and asked many questions about solar and other green power. Six of the students won the solar-powered assembly car for their outstanding performance during this event and the rest of them received small solar-powered toys as a souvenir from BECIS. The school principal, Mr.Wu, thanked the BECIS team for this educational and fun event.  


BECIS hopes that this event will spark the student’s curiosity and passion for science, technology, and engineering, and encourage them to become future leaders in the green energy transition.  

Check out more CSR activities at : https://be-cis.com/csr-activities/